As a user of the Pro version, you have access to more great features that will help you get the most out of your typing practice:
Define a training goal and determine how many words per minute you want to achieve with what maximum error rate. In each exercise you will see how close you are to the target (thumb) or whether you have reached it (star). If you move the mouse over these icons, you will see your statistics for each individual exercise.
Determine how much time you would like to invest per week in your typing practice. Next to the exercise selection you can see at a glance how much time you have already spent practicing and whether you have kept to your last exercise times. We will send you regular reminders by e-mail if you neglect your training goal.
We mark exercises for you that are particularly recommendable for you based on your current exercise statistics. The different colors also show you how challenging the suggested exercises are, allowing you to better control the difficulty of your training.
If you move your mouse over a thumb or star of an exercise in the exercise selection, you will directly see your average results for the related exercise. This gives you a quick overview of how well you have already mastered each exercise.
In addition to the virtual keyboard, further aids are available to you: You can display the finger which types the current letter, or just the color of the finger. If you are already advanced in typing with 10 fingers, you can also hide the help display completely.
With TypeLift Pro you have access to all exercises of our typing tutor. You can complete all learning and word exercises step by step and thus learn more and more characters and practice more frequently used words in the practical exercises to prepare yourself optimally for typing in real life.
In addition to the new visual helpers, TypeLift Pro offers you additional settings for the typing tutor. This allows you to practice your endurance thanks to longer exercise durations and also to practice capital letters and line breaks even more efficiently.
Your statistics are evaluated on every letter. In addition to the exercises and progress, the finger overview and the keyboard heatmap allow you to better recognize your strengths and weaknesses and to see which fingers and movements you should train specifically.
Our service offers you various options to adapt the typing practice to your needs and abilities. Since not everyone wants to work through all the settings, TypeLift Pro allows you to select the desired level of difficulty and we will make the appropriate settings for you.
With the free version of our typing tutor it can sooner or later become necessary to place online advertising in order to finance the running costs and the further development. With TypeLift Pro, your typing practice will always be free of advertising and distraction.
With the free version of our typing tutor we enable people all over the world to learn how to use a computer keyboard. By purchasing TypeLift Pro, you not only get new, great features, but also help others gain access to digital education.
You can try TypeLift Pro for free. You get 7 days of access to all new features of TypeLift Pro and can practice for up to 60 minutes.
from 1.99 / month
Prices in USD (US Dollar) | for annual payment | excl. VAT
There are no costs for the trial version
* The demo ends after 7 days or 60 minutes of practice, whichever comes first. To get to know the new functions better, we recommend that you complete short exercise units of max. 5 minutes.
We offer all users a free trial version, which is completely non-binding and no payment information must be indicated. The trial version ends after the fixed conditions, without having to actively revoke it. So long story short: There are no costs.
Once you have activated the trial version, you will find all the necessary information on this page, including prices, that are relevant for purchasing a subscription to TypeLift Pro.
As a buyer of TypeLift Pro, you will receive a subscription for the additional content described on this page, which you can access by calling up our website and logging in with your user account.
Every order must be assigned to a user account and can only be used as long as the user account exists, you have activated a license for the corresponding user account and as long as the term of the subscription was not terminated by you and has expired.
You can purchase as many licenses as you like and transfer them to other users from the overview of your user account. However, you always remain owner of the licenses and can withdraw them e.g. at the end of a billing period.
You can get the TypeLift Pro subscription already from 1.99 USD (US Dollar) per month incl. VAT. You can choose between one-time payment or 2 different billing periods:
As soon as you click on the buy now button on our website, you will be redirected to the order page of Digistore24. There you have to enter all necessary information for the order and can choose a payment method.
Digistore24 acts as a reseller (sales partner) for our products and takes care of the ordering process, invoicing and debiting the costs incurred.
You can access your purchased licenses immediately after ordering. Only the adjustment of existing contracts (upgrade) can take up to 2 working days processing time, because we have to do this manually.
As soon as you have purchased a TypeLift Pro subscription, you will be redirected to the order confirmation page. Here you have to assign your order to a user account and can also directly activate a license for your user account. In addition, you will receive an e-mail from us and from our reseller (Digistore24) after you have successfully placed your order, which both contain a link to the order confirmation page.
The assignment of your order to a user account at TypingAcademy is necessary, as the order data provided at Digistore24 may differ from the data in your user account and therefore we cannot ensure that your order is linked to the correct user account.
After successful assignment you can view your order and the associated licenses on the overview page of your user account and activate or transfer licenses there.
Since purchased licenses do not necessarily have to be used by you, but can also be passed on to other users, they must be manually activated for each user account (including your own).
The billing period for your subscription starts immediately after successful order. You should therefore assign your order to a user account as quickly as possible and activate the purchased licenses. If you still have remaining time for your trial version, it will be credited to your account as soon as your subscription ends.
Yes, you can use your user account to purchase as many Pro licenses as you want and thus also purchase licenses for other users.
To transfer licenses, go to your user account. There you can transfer licenses under "Your licenses" by selecting an order that still has free licenses and entering the email address of the license recipient. The license recipient must have a user account with TypingAcademy which has been set up for the e-mail address you have entered.
Please note that transferred licenses can only be assigned to new users at the end of the selected term. So you should choose the duration according to how often you want to reassign them. The lifetime license can therefore only be transferred once, as its duration is unlimited.
No, as soon as a license from an order has been activated for a user account, it can no longer be passed on. If you activate a license for the user account to which the order was assigned, it remains linked to the user account for the entire duration of the subscription.
Licenses that have been passed on to other users can - as long as they have not yet been activated by the user - be retracted and reassigned. Once the user has activated a license with a limited duration (all payment plans except the LIFETIME plan), you can specify whether the license should be extended or terminated at the end of a subscription billing period. If it is to be terminated, it will revert to you and can be passed on again.
If you purchase a TypeLift Pro subscription with a limited duration (all payment plans except the LIFETIME plan), you can cancel it at any time to the end of the current billing period.
If you choose e.g. the subscription with annual duration, you can use it until 24.03.2026, no matter whether you cancel it immediately afterwards, in 3 months or one day before the end of the subscription period. At the end of the period the subscription will be extended for one year.
In order to cancel your subscription, sign in and go to your user account by clicking on your username in the upper right corner of the page. In the overview of your account scroll down to your license overview and click on the license details and then on manage. Here you will find a link to cancel your subscription.
Alternatively, you can also submit your cancellation via a support request. Please note, however, that the processing can take up to 7 days. So to cancel your subscription in time, this request must be submitted 7 days before the end of your current subscription period.